Mask Network Newsletter (April 2021)

Mask Network
3 min readApr 29, 2021


🔧 Engineering Update

🌍 Mask for Extension

v 1.30.0

  • Add vCent plugin
  • Add plugins page
  • Add custody menu for NFT tokens
  • Zerion WebSocket API integration
  • Force backup mnemonic words

v 1.30.5

  • Add switch account button under the native sider menu of Twitter
  • Update permission grant UI
  • Guide the user to create a new wallet

v 1.31.0

  • Revamp ITO plugin
  • Add “Collectible” plugin
  • Add “Snapshot” plugin

🌳 Ecosystem Building


🌍 Youth Leader Fund of CBCGDF x Mask Network | auction copper prints of endangered species on Earth Day

Youth Leader Fund of CBCGDF and Mask Network has collaborated to auction 3 NFTs of copper prints of endangered species on Earth Day, April 22nd. Mask Network could detect OpenSea/Rarible URLs and display the relevant NFT(s) on Twitter. Based on this feature, our new version allows users to directly place a bid/make an offer.

🔔 Mask Network x Ethereum Push Notification Service | facilitate a decentralized notification service

Mask Network has collaborated with EPNS. EPNS protocol will help us facilitate a decentralized notification service. Users will be notified when a buy/sell/swap order of their cryptocurrencies gets confirmed, an NFT gets minted, and more. With the collaboration, we hope to bridge the gap between users and services, and we anticipate more exciting projects built on top of a broader range of social media networks would evolve.

- Investment

🔗 Mask Network x Binance | Building a Web 3.0 Multi-Chain Universe

Mask Network has received the strategic investment from Binance. This strategic investment is part of Binance’s $100 million accelerator fund for developers to build blockchain projects on Binance Smart Chain and Mask Network will work closely to build the Multi-Chain Universe.

- ITO Features Upgrade

🎉 ITO is Upgraded, Who is the Next!

Introduced by Mask Network, ITO (Initial Twitter Offering) is
a decentralized, permissionless way of asset offering feature based on the decentralized blockchain network infrastructure — Ethereum.

Advanced Features Upgrade

  • IP region restrictions
  • Delay unlocking token
  • Plugin

How Projects could Launch ITO:

  • Option A: Permissionless ITO
  • Option B: Community Choice ITO

ITO Review Committee

Mask Network has initiated ITO Review Committee
to conduct the preliminary review for projects that applied ITO. Projects could apply to participate in Mask Network’s community voting events.

- Activities

👩‍🎨 Mask Network x BCA | Crypto Migration: A Journey to Post-digital Microworld

Block Create Art (BCA) has collaborated with Odaily and Mask Network for the first Artist Residency Program, Crypto Migration: A journey to Post-digital Microworld. Mask Network CEO Suji Yan, CTO Yisi Liu, and Director of Compliance, Katt Gu joined as professional mentors of the program.

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