Check Airdrop (Not claimable) Feature is Live!

Mask Network
5 min readFeb 21, 2021


Our first round of $MASK ITO will commence. It’s time to release our airdrop recipient list. The check airdrop feature is live now.

NOTE: You need to upgrade the product to the latest version.

Click the blue MASK button on the top left screen and you will be able to view how many $MASKs you are entitled to. It’s not claimable now though, you have to wait until Friday, 24 hours after our LBP sale concludes.

We’ve also put the entire recipient list on Arweave. The link to the list is tweeted using Mask’s encryption technology. We welcome everyone to check it out.

In the last article we said that:

“Inspired by Uniswap, Badger and other DeFi and Web 3.0 projects, we will not only give rewards to $MASK to our early supporters. Ecosystem participants like Gitcoin donors and active voters in DeFi governance will also be rewarded to show our appreciation of their efforts. We hope this can promote more meaningful contributions to the ecosystem.”

After running through the addresses a few times we are able to finalize the list. We‘d like to further demonstrate the rationale behind the scene as well as sharing a few interesting pieces of knowledge that we’ve found along the way.

We divide the recipients into 2 major categories: Mask insider and Ecosystem Participants, and 6 subcategories as shown in the below table 1 and table 2.

Key Metrics

Total number of addresses receiving the airdrop: 15,949

Total $MASK airdropped: 1,067,780

Median amount: 50

Average amount: 67

Number of addresses receiving > 200 $MASK: 147

Number of addresses qualifying for >= 3 sub-categories: 62

Table 1: Airdrop Classification and Number of Respective Recipients
Table 2: Airdrop Amount Per Address by Classification

Mask Insider

Mask actually have a lot more features other than the 3 mentioned here. However, we put user’s privacy as the utmost concern so we do not attempt any event tracking. Therefore we cannot obtain data from third-party Ethereum Apps like Uniswap and 0x. We can only obtain addresses that have interacted with our own contracts, namely red packet, NFT and ITO. So here’s the airdrop for the participants of those 3 categories.


We’ve only issued NFT once, the election special. A total of 589 NFTs was given away free. We even covered gas back then. There are 230 holders total, the guy with most NFTs has a whopping 66. 30 people have 5 NFTs or more.

Red Packet

Red packet was our first Ethereum based feature launched in spring 2020. It pioneered sending payment on top of Twitter in a decentralized manner. The Chinese New Year Red Packet campaign with Maker stormed the entire crypto Twitter. Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin was even among the first batch of users and gave away some Ether for perhaps the only time since he is the famous “non-giver of Ether”. 110 addresses had more than 5 interactions with our red packet contract.

Initial Twitter Offering

Initial Twitter Offering is our latest feature aimed to revolutionize the asset issuance market. We’ve successfully launched 2 offerings with Loopring and Mirror Protocol. 208 people participated in the 2 offerings. We are a bit surprised that 2 other offerings took place and 3 people participated. So we decide to give additional rewards to those 3 addresses. It is indeed permissionless so we welcome anyone to utilize the ITO feature.

Ecosystem Participants

We thought long and hard about who should get the reward. Inspired by the list of eligible activities Badger, SDT and Float put forward, and some improvisation, we decided to reward 3 categories: governance voters, Gitcoin donors and people who put their Twitter handle in a text record on ENS. These 3 represent 3 types of people who have contributed to the ecosystem growth and have well documented Ethereum addresses.


Voters include both Snapshot voters and voters of major projects that are not in Snapshot: Maker, Compound, AAVE and Curve. We found a total of 11,828 addresses voted 2–10 times, and 1575 addresses voted over 10 times. All dated before 1/1/2021.

A few interesting tidbits. In the 4 projects outside Snapshot, we found a total of 1,584 addresses voted 2–10 times, and 254 addresses voted over 10 times.

Sushi has more than 3,000 voters, YFI 1,700+, Badger 1,300+, Maker and Yam 1,200+, Pickle 1,100+, AAVE 900+, Uniswap and Compound 600+.

Gitcoin Donors

We set the criteria to people who donated in more than 2 different rounds (Out of 8 total) because a lot of people came in donating a minimal amount after the Badger airdrop. We found 1,253. We favour our own 275 donors a bit more, understandably.


This is our improvisation. We are first and foremost a project trying to bridge social networks and Web 3.0, so we look for people who tried a bit harder than others. We think putting Twitter handles on ENS text records is a very good indicator since this costs gas. We found more than 500 people. We didn’t do it another way around, i.e. putting ENS as Twitter display name due to gameable concerns.

That concludes the explanation of our airdrop rationale. Have fun staying with your Mask!

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