Calling All Bounty Hunters! Gitcoin GR10 is Here

Mask Network
4 min readJun 16, 2021


Gitcoin, the open-source software development incentive platform, will be holding its Grants Round 10 (GR10) from June 16th to July 1st. The development of the open-source Web 3.0 has long been Gitcoin’s core mission, and the campaign is being launched to provide financial incentives to Ethereum-based open source projects and development teams. Like previous donation campaigns, GR10 will use a secondary fundraising format to better support more projects.

Grants Round 9 (GR9), held in March 2020, saw $1,380,000 in contributions and $500,000 in matched funds distributed across 812 projects. The hackathon in Grants Round 9 saw 2,250 participants and a total of $350,000 in bounty money. This Grants Round 10 hackathon will surpass the 9th round and will be the largest and most rewarding hackathon to date.

Mask Network has been an active supporter of Gitcoin since GR6 and has posted 29 bounties since then. In GR10, Mask Network is also continuing to provide financial support to encourage more developers to participate in the future of blockchain and open source development ecosystem. Other projects in the main funding round include Polygon, Aave,, The Graph, Badger Finance, Force, Uniswap, and more.

In addition to funding recent rounds, Mask’s plugin also supported the Gitcoin project’s Twitter presence last June. Once the Mask plugin is installed, the Gitcoin project in the post is automatically recognized and a donation portal is created. Users can then donate directly to support the project without leaving the Twitter page. This will greatly simplify the process of raising money for projects on Gitcoin (add project to cart, checkout with zkSync…), and increasing the exposure of these great Web 3.0 projects.

Vitalik Buterin wrote an article in his blog reviewing Gitcoin Grants Round 9. In the article, he mentioned Mask Network (Maskbook in the article), and our support in the Gitcoin Grants Round series.

See the latest 5 bounties in this round of Hackathon posted by Mask Network:

All bounties


Integrate PoolTogether, a savings game, in Mask Plugin

Platform: Gitcoin

Experience: Intermediate

Category: Mask Plugin

Time Commitment: 2 weeks

Bounty size: 400$MASK or $1,472


PoolTogether is a DeFi savings game where part of the interest is put in a lottery pot and all depositors have a chance (proportional to the savings amount) to win the lottery. We think it has really good synergy with traditional social networks and thus worth the integration.


Create a plugin that integrates PoolTogether. The UI could resemble dHEDGE in a card style with different tabs serving different purposes.



Integrate Reality Card, an NFT prediction market, in Mask Plugin

Platform: Gitcoin

Experience: Intermediate

Category: Mask Plugin

Time Commitment: 2 weeks

Bounty size: 400 $MASK or $1,472


Reality Cards is a new breed of prediction market that makes the result ownable by turning betting options into purchasable NFTs. People will likely have a strong desire to show off their bets both before the result is revealed and after, if it is in their favor. This could be very powerful coupled with the Mask DApplets.


Build a Reality Cards plugin on Mask. The UI could resemble dHEDGE in a card style with different tabs serving different purposes



Integrating Augur Turbo, a prediction market, into Mask plugins

Platform: Gitcoin

Experience: Intermediate

Category: Mask Plugin

Time Commitment: 2 weeks

Bounty size: 400 $MASK or $1,472


Augur Turbo is the new version of the 6-year-old Augur on Matic and currently focuses on sports betting.


Build an Augur Turbo plugin on Mask. The UI could resemble dHEDGE in a card style with different tabs serving different purposes.



Integrate Omen, a prediction market into Mask plugins

Platform: Gitcoin

Experience: Intermediate

Category: Mask Plugin

Time Commitment: 2 weeks

Bounty size: 400 $MASK or $1,472

The UI could resemble dHEDGE in a card style with different tabs serving different purposes



Integrate GoodGhosting, a savings game, in Mask Plugin

Platform: Gitcoin

Experience: Intermediate

Category: Mask Plugin

Time Commitment: 2 weeks

Bounty size: 400 $MASK or $1,472


GoodGhosting is a DeFi pool that rewards regular saving. It’s a social savings game that active participants will reap interest from those who fail to put down savings in time. We think it has really good synergy with traditional social networks and thus worth the integration.

This could be Mask’s first Polygon DeFi plugin.

GoodGhosting has received grants from AAVE and the Graph. It participated in Gitcoin grants and received donations from Andre Cronje and DeFi Dad and more than 100 others.


Create a plugin that integrates GoodGhosting. It could look like the Gitcoin donation widget/card with a few tabs displaying different info.


